Monday, June 29, 2009

Will Do.

Any guesses what blog track was recorded with these same sonic parameters? If you said, “Born to Be Wild,” I here by dub you an official ‘Knight of the Scotish Realm.’ Same drum settings—same vocal treatment--same ragged guitar, hacking away, back in the mix—all this action very mid 1980’s. This is a solo demo (ie Scot is playing all the tracks) he did for “Folklore.” I especially like this recording for the way it captures Scot’s vocals. He had a wonderful voice, but sometimes he would slip into a humor trajectory, not wanting to take his vocals too seriously. In this track he lets his serious voice hang out. “Let’s Reach…” is the shorthand title of the song.

Today’s artwork is a magnificent piece done in 1995. Here Scot has laid down a semi-abstract base of magenta and yellow transparent acrylic wash. Into those still-wet colors, Scot has drawn his image with India ink from a dropper. This angel seems like a very ‘will do’ sort of guy. ‘Will do’, is an expression I re-encountered today. I like it. That and ‘gotcha’ are expressions Scot used a lot. It's kind of like a vow.

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