Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today's goal is one whole complete entry. I feel some detail may help explain, in part, why it has been so difficult for me to make my posts. One of the biggest projects I am working on now is the creation of the T. Scot Halpin Archive. The heart of the archive (which is literally getting painted red today)is in Scot's old bedroom. This has been a huge process made doubly difficult by the fact that working on the blog is sort of anti-archival. I go in there and start shuffling through piles. I can't wait to begin the actual archiving. In the meantime, I'm working around vague piles of artwork made even more jumbled, now being covered over with sheets. I've also had more limited access to my cassette transferal station because of the work being done. I've also got a lot of very non-archival sawdust going on.

Another big project, which I've already mentioned in the blog, is getting ready to go to New York for the International Gift Fair being held at the Javitts. Today's artwork is a piece that will be featured in the brand new T. Scot Style Guide. It's a piece called 'Comfort'. The artwork began as a pen & ink drawing--color, transparent acrylic. Scot scanned this backgroundless drawing into the digital matrix. From there, he played with the rays of the sun and dropped in the gradated fade spacey background. The piece was done in 2001.

1 comment:

Lee Bird said...

Hi, Robin. Please contact me about Scot's Wikipedia entry at pkeets at hotmail.com. Thanks.