Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day Brunch

For Boxing Day, I am serving up a little golden quiche of a tune for our brunch. Wake up and smell that coffee. “Empty Bed Blues” is one of the first tunes Carlyn Lindsay polished up for public consumption, before the conception of "Snake Doctor". Another player from our blog, Jerry Farnsworth, worked a lot with Carlyn helping her develop her first basic repertoire.

This recording was made in 2003 at the Encore Cafe—-before guitar was added to the ‘Snake Doctor’ line up. Early ‘Snake Doctor’ was quite a soft spoken, jazzy affair. There was enough sonic space around each of the players that they were effectively able to hear and respond to one another with great delicacy. Listen deeply for Scot’s out-of-this world bass line.

Blue “Sharpie” line this time. Same idea—Scot like that this stupid toxic pen was responsive. A pause swelled. Please blow this image up to fully appreciate the delightful subtleties of Scot’s work with washes. Here is a snippet of a poem Scot wrote about being awash in color, shortly before he died.

Golden Light
Dream surgent
Moving across the Arms
The legs and reaching
The Heart
Dream surgent
Yellow blues—
Red or orange
The Power / The Strength
Move ‘n’ glow
Heal and replace

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